Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"F" Bomb to Happiness Vol.3

Here is one more favorite remedy for "What to do this year that will make me happier than I was last year." Aend it goes like this:  "I don't necessarily need to reinvent myself in 2015, I just want to ramp up some of the same good stuff that I have already been focusing on in 2014."  It's just like refilling a precsription for the new year with just a little more "oomph" added in.  The key to success is fusing this script into your daily life.   The Action Plan for retention is to include an  F' Bomb into the equation.   It totally works for me as a built in reminder and it places my intentions front and center. 

This is #3 of 4 of my favorites, one more in store in my next blog - so keep close watch.   Be sure to share your own  homemade F' Bomb scripts with me in the comments below or on our True Nature Facebook page.

For many years, I spent a good portion of my waking hours almost completely living up in my head - until I realized that strategy wasn't really serving me very well any more.    

It was rather trying for me to transform from my rational, systematic, analytical thinking into wholehearted, visceral, true self thinking.  The ultimate path was trusting my feelings and letting my heart be my guide.

Men traditionally have a rougher time with this shift from the head to the heart because we have been programmed to be problem solvers, fixers, and analyzers.  Listening to my heart to make decisions seemed so illogical and irrational to me at first. Once I realized that much of my rational thought was just a disguise for fear, I promptly made way for this comforting new "heart-centered" option.  It turns out that the heart is much more trustworthy and most times more correct.  Not to mention it is much more fun and satisfying to live more from my heart as opposed to my head.

I found that my (unconscious) mind was always setting me up to as a control freak - wanting to analyze the shit out of everything and explore every angle so I could be certain to have complete control of the outcome.

Yea, right... that was a  painstaking and grueling way to exist!

Letting go of my fears along with my need to be in control was conquered by getting the "F" out of my head and having the faith to open up and listen to my heart.   It felt incredibly freeing and uplifting to move into this underused decision making space.

My rationale mind part is still a valuable and useful tool, but now I can  integrate it into my decision making process in a more measured and natural way.

After a lot of practice, my default decision making process now includes a conscious pause,  and a reminder to get the "F" out of my head.  From there, I get very quiet and listen to my Higher Self or True Nature.  Once I have my direction confirmed from a feeling in my body, I refer  back to my head just to let in some of those inevitable fear thoughts.  I check how those thoughts sit with me and then I give them the the proper amount of attention they are due based on my feelings and my core values.

This process is a tricky blend of head and heart and it takes time to learn and navigate the territory.  The ratio of head and heart will be different for everyone but I can safely say that you will see marvelous changes take place by tapping into your heart for decision making.  Getting in touch with your heart will open you up and give you a new sense of ease and comfort in all areas of your life.  When we neglect the significance of heart centered living, we risk losing our sense of true self and can end up sacrificing our joy.

Next time you are making a decision or choice, be conscious of exactly where you are looking for the answers.  If you up in your head, try to get the "F" out of there and feel with your heart.  Your heart will speak to you through your body and will always give you the best answer.  All you have to do is be very quiet and listen.

Just Be You,


See the two previous "F" Bomb Prescriptions:

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