Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"F" Bomb your way to happiness. vol. II

Here is another remedy for "What to do this year that will make me happier than I was last year." And it goes like this:  "I don't necessarily need to reinvent myself in 2015, I just want to ramp up some of the same good stuff that I have already been focusing on in 2014."  For me, it is somewhat like refilling a precsription for the new year with just a little more "oomph" added in.  The key to success is fusing this script into my daily life.   The Action Plan for retention is to include an  F' Bomb into the equation.   It totally works as a built in reminder and it places my intentions front and center. 

This is #2 of 4 of my favorites in the upcoming blogs - so keep close watch.   Be sure to share your own  homemade F' Bomb scripts with me in the comments below or on our True Nature Facebook page.

I was 17 years old when I enrolled in my first self awareness training course.

The course was The Silva Method, which at  that time was called Silva 

Mind Control.  In that course I learned meditation, visualization, 

manifestation,  psychometry and psychic healing techniques. 

 Back in those days though,  if  I mentioned any of those words to my friends 

or classmates, I would have been ridiculed and labeled as a freaky weirdo!  

Well, needless to say,  I did... and I was...and so from there I just clammed up 

and did not speak again of those incredible things that I had learned.  It was 

my secret.  

Even though I was excited to share my new found strength and power, I felt 

afraid and ashamed.  At that moment, a gigantic limiting belief was formed 

within me.  Here is what the belief sounded like in my head: "If I talk to people 

about self awareness, energy work, or spirituality, they will think that I am a  

weirdo.  I don't want to be thought of as weirdo.   I want to be liked and 

respected -  so  I will not talk about those subjects to anyone."   Not talking 

about those subjects will keep me safe and loved.  "The good news is that my 

passion and thirst for more kept me studying and learning about energy and 

awareness for the next four decades,  but the bad news is that this one big 

constricting belief held me back in life and kept me from being authentic.  I

stayed small and held back from sharing with others who I really was.   And 

that my friends sucked! 

 It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I actually did the work to push through

 these limiting beliefs.  I have now transformed those beliefs and I am 

confident to share, teach and life coach to everyone about manifesting, 

meditation, intuition, feng shui and energy healing.  Even today though, I can 

still sometimes feel a twinge of awkwardness while bringing up these subjects

 with certain people.  99 % of the time I'm am able to power through the 

fear without as much as a hesitation. 

Think about what your own limiting beliefs are.  Is one of those beliefs being 

worried about what others think about you?  Worrying about what others think 

is erroneous and will rob you of joy, happiness and living an authentic life. 

 You may not even be aware of your limiting beliefs because they usually 

reside at your unconscious level.   I suggest that you enlist the services of a 

life coach or mentor to help you to tease out these beliefs and transform 

them.  ( I know of someone that can help..) 

 Contact me anytime at cgrant@truenaturecc.com

Just be you,



Next weeks "F" Bomb Prescription:

Previous Weeks Prescriptions:   HUG HARDER

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